In case you've been wondering...

...what I do in that lovely classroom, head on over to Hillside Reflections to see some pictures of what my preschool class did today.

Happy Friday!

Would you like to see my classroom?

Since another year has started for me (Kate) teaching preschool for children with hearing loss, I thought it would be nice to show you where I'm spending most of my time each day.

This is the "discovery center" complete with science/nature items.
And in case you're wondering, that IS a fisher price microscope on the top shelf just like the one we had when we were kids. Found that little gem in the back of a closet and after prying out and replacing the old oxidized batteries, it works like new!

This is the brand new Pottery Barn kitchen that the kids just adore - but seriously, who wouldn't???

Our beautiful bookshelf - can you guess what our theme is right now?

This might be my favorite - the block center! We have window blocks with different colors that you can see through, mirror blocks, bead blocks, water blocks... it's pretty awesome.

I could probably spend some serious time playing here myself :-)

Then there's the cabinet-turned-cozy-spot that we put together at the end of last year, the writing center, and doll house.

(Ooooh, and a sneak peek of my favorite thing in the whole room... can you see it???)

Our gorgeous art center with a brand new easel and drying rack.

Aaaaand, last - but not least!- our small group area.

Don't you just LOVE the rainbow of bottles filled with colored water???

It's my favorite thing in the whole room. Between the water bottle rainbow, the big mirror and the giant map, this space just makes me smile.

I'm hoping to do some more sharing this year about some of the fun projects that I do with my preschoolers - both here and over at my other blog, Hillside Reflections.

"What's Hillside Reflections?" you're probably asking.

I know, I know. It's been a while since I've done anything over there... like almost six months.

Here's to New School Year Resolutions!

If I could have anything I wanted...

I would somehow magically meet up with you here:



or perhaps here.

Then again, this would be a great place...

or this.

or THIS!!!

We could eat a little of this:

or maybe this:

Enjoy some of this:

or maybe this:

With a few glasses of this:

And maybe even watch a little of this:

Or, since we're dreaming and all, maybe a new season of this:

But most of all, enjoy a whole lot of this:

I miss my sisters!

our words

I thought I would take some time to reminisce over our blog, as you two enjoy each others' company (cough*dontforgetme*cough).

A Wordle is a little piece of art that takes the words from a website and makes them into a little friendly family.

This, my dears, is our sisters away wordle.   

Wordle: sisters

I love that beautiful is front and center in our conversations.  It says so much.

Weekend giggle

Here's a clip of Lena giving carrots a try for the first time. Her expressions crack. me. up. (As is evident by my cackling in the background!) And of course Addie had to join in for a cameo as well.
Enjoy, Aunties!

I have to brag

Check out the latest cuties made by my sister...

Don't you want one? I know I do. My talented Em will be back in the states in about 5 1/2 months. Until then, all we can do is drool. And save our pennies for the big orders we'll place when she's ready to open up shop 'round these parts. Keep designing, dear. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

We must be crazy...

Seth and I are starting P90X tonight.

Day 1.

We've got all our gear:
- doorway pull up bar
- dumbbells for 2
- stretchy bands
- yoga mats
and most importantly,
- our P90x DVDs

Ask me tomorrow how it went. For now, just say a prayer.

Winter in Preschool

You know how much I love sharing the fun things I do with "my kids" during the day.
So here's an update on how we spent some of our time in preschool in January:

We caught snowflakes on black paper.
They were beautiful.
Can you believe that there are NEVER two snowflakes that are exactly the same???

We made big blocks of ice in the freezer, then sprinkled them with salt and dropped liquid watercolors on them.

They were also beautiful.
And fascinating!
This was at the end after we'd added some regular ice cubes and the salty water had started melting millions of little tiny "tracks" through the ice block.

We painted with ice cube popsicles and powdered tempera paint.
(this one also works with kool-aid or Jello)
Once again... beautiful.
Throw in a little snowflake tracing with dry erase markers and page protectors...

And a beautiful ice man...
(as opposed to snow man - made from freezing water balloons
then peeling off the balloon and using a bit of salt to "stick" them together)

...and you have a delightful way to spend the cold month of January in preschool!
On the list for February:
- Mail/Post Office
- Valentine's Day
- Community Helpers/Jobs
Now if only I could find some of the good conversation hearts...

Can I brag?

I really miss you both... but is it inappropriate to brag about how much I love the island right now?

A little fresh coconut after a swim in a waterfall...not braggin', just sayin'.
Miss you!